Your bathroom can have the style plus the functionality that it deserves. The Italian Bathroom Vanity for instance not only adds glam factor but also serve the storage needs for many of your accessories. There are a lot of styles when it comes to vanities. You can choose from classic, rustic, and ultra modern. When you do renovations, you will be able to give an entirely fresh look to your bathroom. Bathroom vanity sink can make or break the look of bathrooms so be careful when selecting each piece. The style and color should be natural and high-quality. You should also consider your tastes, trends, and space when you shop for the right vanity. In the range of Wholesale Vanity you can define a modern space or style with a white and black look that is common to most designs. Modern trends can provide a polished bathroom look that your guests and friends will surely appreciate. For example, you might want to consider getting front and trendy cabinets as well as chrome hardware. This will make your bathroom look cleaner than usual. There are also mixtures of slatted cabinets, shelves, and storage that can give a minimalistic vibe. You can opt to get rounded or straight knobs if you want to give the modern look a go. Let’s make no bones about it; your bathroom is a place where you get fresh and even check your last minute touch ups. Thus the free standing vanity fits in a way that it will reduce the clutter on your bathroom area. You will also have the benefit of getting the things that you need near you if you have a vanity in place. You don’t need to go out of the bathroom unprepared if you can do your makeup inside your bathroom. For men, vanities are convenient ways to shave and make sure that no face cream remains after they wash their faces.